(985) 789-3148
- Day Camps: Ages 5-14 years old Overnight Camps: Ages 7 and older
- Camps are 5 days- Mon – Friday with exception of Session 1 and Session 6 (4 Day session)
- All Camps are 9am – 3pm. Before Care is Available only. Pick up is between 3-3:30pm
- Minimum of 5 participants necessary to hold that week of camp.
• Annual Registration Fee: $25
- 5 Day Camp: $325 (includes T-Shirt)
- Overnight Camp $750 (includes T-Shirt)
Payment Policy:
- A non-refundable deposit of $100/child is required to reserve your child’s spot.
- Full Payment must be received 2 weeks PRIOR to start of camp- to ensure enough campers
- Before and After Care is available for additional fee. Advance Notice is recommended. See registration form.
- Early Bird Special- if signed up and paid in full by April 11 – Waived Registration Fee
Camp Activities:
- Pick your horse for the week!
- Pick your farm animal for the week to be caretaker of
- Daily horse riding lessons
- Riding activities and games
- Arts and crafts
- Fishing
- Water activities- weather permitting
- Horse show for parents on Friday at 2pm
- Award certificates and ribbons
- Our Junior Lead Team helps supervise new riders
What to Wear:
- Campers should wear jeans/t-shirt
- Close-toed shoes (riding boots or tennis shoes)
- Pre-apply Sunscreen and send with extra!
What to bring:
- Sports Jug of water or sports drinks- it is hot, and the jug allows them to bring it into the arena
- Snacks
- Lunch
- Bathing Suit and towel (if you plan to swim)
- Change of clothes (shorts/t-shirt)
Warning: Under Louisiana Law, An equine activity sponsor or professional shall not be liable for any injury to, or the death of a participant in equine activated resulting from the inherent risk of equine activities. Code of Louisiana R.S. 9:2795.3
Email all filled out Camp Registration forms to LisaFun2BFit@gmail.com